13 Amazon Must Haves for Busy Moms

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Working moms have a lot going on. Being a mom in general is so much work! Trying to balance keeping the house clean, dinner, laundry, work, your mental health, time with your significant other, and kids activities seems impossible at times! Luckily there are a few things to help make the job a little easier. Here’s my list of Amazon must haves: 

  1. Robot Vacuum:  The house chores never end. Having a robot vacuum makes the load a little easier. Not only do I have two small kids but I also have a Rottweiler. If you’ve ever owned a Rottweiler then you know how much they shed! Before going to work, I set it to clean. I just have to make sure there’s no small toys left on the floor. I can honestly say this one does a great job of picking up all the crumbs and dog hair. It even gets the corners.  I still have to sweep up but not nearly as much as when I’m consistently using the Roborock.
  2. Self Starting Coffee Maker: I cannot emphasize enough how important this one is! I don’t think I could survive the day without coffee. During the week, I set the coffee maker to start about an hour before I need to leave. Once I’m dressed and head downstairs my coffee is already made. The kitchen smells good! I’m able to pour my cup and enjoy it while I finish getting myself and kids ready. This is the one I use. It allows you to make a single cup or a whole pot of coffee. Either way it makes it so convenient to just set it at night and wake up to fresh coffee.
  3. Key Finder: Mom brain is real! I could go on and on about how your brain changes when you become a mom. Bottom line though, I’m constantly losing my keys! I can’t tell you how many times this key finder saved me. It seems I lose my keys at the worst times possible like when we’re already running late. If you’re having the same issue I am with losing your keys, then definitely invest in a key finder
  4. Cell Phone Purse: Just like I’m always loosing my keys, I’m also always losing my phone. This doesn’t just apply to at home. I seriously leave my phone everywhere.  I used to wear my phone around my neck but I felt like it was a little heavy so I bought this cross body phone carrier. It’s cute. It looks like a small purse and it seriously helps me to not lose my phone. I love using it especially at work because a lot of my work pants don’t have pockets or my phone doesn’t fit in the pockets. I just keep the carrier in my normal purse and use it when I’m walking around the office.
  5. A Tumbler: Having a good tumbler is important. I mostly use mine for water. I love this Stanley cup because it’s big and helps me to drink enough water. When you’re always on the go, sometimes you forget to stay hydrated. You don’t have to use it for water though. You could use it for any hot or cold beverage really. The Stanley cups are great and in case you haven’t seen the post, it’s strong enough to survive a car fire!
  6. Diaper Bag Backpack: Diaper bags in general are a must. Honestly, even after potty training you may still need a diaper bag. I still use my diaper bag for my son who’s 4 years old now and potty trained. I still need to take an extra pair of clothes for him, plus snacks. He still uses wipes for his hands and face. I also need to carry bandaids, plus did I mention snacks? A diaper bag backpack is just easier than some of these other diaper bags. This is the one I use and I love it. It’s big enough to use for both my 2 year old and 4 year old. 
  7. A Good Lunch Pail: As a working mom, I not only need to pack lunch for my kids, I need to pack lunch for myself. Eating out 5 days a week is not only expensive but it’s not healthy. You tend to make poorer choices when you’re not prepared. I don’t just pack lunch. I pack breakfast and snacks! Having a good lunch pail is key! Plus you don’t want to show up in the office with a brown bag for your lunch. This is the lunch pail I use and I love it! 
  8. A Good Blender: I’m a big advocate for smoothies! I make them for myself and my kids. They’re a great way to sneak in veggies. If you need a good smoothie for your little one check out my son’s favorite smoothie here. Your blender really does make a difference. You don’t need to get something super expensive but definitely get one that’s decent quality and will make your life easier. I love my nutribullet. I had mine even before I had kids and it’s still going strong. I loved it so much that I got the baby bullet when I was pregnant to make my kids food. 
  9. Wall Calendar: Remembering everything going on can be tough. One kid may have a doctors appointment, another may have soccer practice, it could be spirit day at school. As moms, our kiddos keep us busy! I love this calendar for trying to stay organized. It’s beautiful, stylish, and practical. I also LOVE that you can customize it with your family name. Check it out!
  10. AirPods: My kids seem to act up whenever they see me on my phone. They want all my attention on them. They can be quietly playing but as soon as I pick up a phone call they start yelling. My AirPods are the only way I can actually have a phone call with someone. They also allow me to continue cleaning or cooking without the awkward phone hold.
  11. Comfortable Shoes: Toddlers are little machines that don’t stop. Their energy never seems to stop until they’re asleep. I’m constantly on my feet and a good, comfortable pair of shoes makes all the difference. I highly recommend these Adidas running shoes. Your feet will thank me!
  12. Organizing Drawers: I don’t know about your kids but my kids come with so many things! It’s crazy to think of all the extras that you need once you have kids. I love these organization drawers to keep all the little things together. I use them under the sink, in the kids closets and in the toy room. Check them out!
  13. Under Eye Patches: Let’s face it, sleepless nights take a toll on our face. We’re always tired and it shows unfortunately. These under eye gels are my go to when my kids go through their sleep regressions to help minimize my puffy eyes. Just because I have small kids doesn’t mean I don’t want to look my best. If your kids don’t sleep through the night still I’d try them out.

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